The PufferbellyTrail is a staple in Allen County. There are currently two segments; a 9-mile-long segment north of Interstate 69 to almost the county line, and another 2-and-a-quarter mile-long segment close to downtown parallel to Highway 27 between Fernhill Avenue and Jacobs Avenue. However, trail maps have the trail doubling back to State Street over to Spy Run Creek where the trail runs south along Clinton Street to join with the Rivergreenway just north of Headwaters Park. Work is being done to connect these two segments. The Pufferbelly Trail followed an abandoned railroad track and got its name from the steam locomotives sometimes called “Puffer Bellies”. The Pufferbelly Trail is part of a larger Poka-Bache Connector, a trail through Steuben, De Kalb, Allen, and Adams Counties - going through all four county seats, connecting the Pokegon and Oubache State Parks.

County: Allen
City: Fort Wayne
Mileage: 11.25+
South Endpoint - General: Jacobs Avenue
North Endpoint - Specific: Fitch Road
Notable Trailhead: Parkview Family YMCA, Life Bridge Church
Near to US highways: Interstate 69, US Highway 27,
Type of Trail: Rail Trail
Surface: paved
Uses allowed: cycling, walking, hiking, jogging
Which uses NOT allowed: motorized vehicles, equestrians
Attractive Features: Glenbrook Square, Salomon Farm Park, Payton County Park, Connector to Franke Park

Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department
705 E. State Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
(260) 427-6000
More Information
The Pufferbelly is an important north/south trail in the Fort Wayne Area that connects to a trail network that includes 80+ miles of trails in the Fort Wayne Area.
Fort Wayne Trails who provided the map above, is the not-for-profit pro-trails advocacy group in Allen County that promotes trail development for the county. Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation owns and maintains the trails within city limits. New Haven / Adams Township Parks & Recreation owns and maintains trails in their area. Otherwise, the Allen County Highway Department owns and maintains trails outside of Fort Wayne and New Haven.
To report a problem on the trail text (260) 267-6716.