Trail News from Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio
As trail development and usage accelerate in Indiana, we anticipate that non-motorized connections across state lines into such metro areas as Chicago, Cincinnati, and Louisville will grow out of necessity and in popularity. We have already seen examples of this in the tremendously popular Big Four bridge pathway over the Ohio River between Jeffersonville, IN and Louisville, the Pennsy Greenway connecting Munster, IN with Lansing, IL, and the LaSalle Trail and Indiana-Michigan River Valley Trail connecting the South Bend area with Niles MI. We are better as a trail building and trail advocacy organization when we research what our neighbors are doing, understand best practices, and promote ideas that better serve the population rather than those that do not. To that end, we have dedicated a portion of our webpage to highlight news stories coming from our neighboring states. Enjoy!
July 14, 2021
ODOT outlines 5 year plan to focus on walking and biking
The Ohio Department of Transportation has developed a five-year plan to focus on walking and bicycling. Considering that one in ten Ohioans do not drive, it is important to ensure that all residents are served, including those who utilize active transportation. The plan will focus on safety, accessibility, and convenient options for walking and bicycling. Read more about the plan here.

July 14, 2021
ODOT outlines 5 year plan to focus on walking and biking
The Ohio Department of Transportation has developed a five-year plan to focus on walking and bicycling. Considering that one in ten Ohioans do not drive, it is important to ensure that all residents are served, including those who utilize active transportation. The plan will focus on safety, accessibility, and convenient options for walking and bicycling. Read more about the plan here.

July 2, 2021
With the current pace of development with respect to bicycle accessibility, Cincinnati is growing into a city that is supportive of bike riders who wish to navigate the city. The following article gives updates on development as well as perspectives from cyclists who use the bike infrastructure in Cincinnati.