The Franklin Greenway Trails are a series of trails in Franklin that connect many city parks and resources as well as many neighborhoods. The effort has been to create a trail town where people can utilize alternative methods of transportation to safely navigate Franklin.

County: Johnson
City: Franklin
Mileage: 20
Notable Trailhead: Province Park, Blue Heron Park,
Community Park, Needham Elementary School
Type of Trail: Sidepath, Shared Use Path / Trail, River Trail
Surface: paved
Uses allowed: walking, hiking, bicycling
Wheelchairs allowed: yes
Which uses NOT allowed: motorized vehicles
Attractive Features: Connects with; parks, dog park, cemetery, city court, Needham Elementary School, many neighborhoods. Runs near; downtown, Franklin College, Indiana Gymnastics Center.

Franklin Indiana
Parks and Recreation Department
396 Branigin Blvd
Franklin, IN 46131
More Information
The Franklin Historic Trail is actually a system of walkways that covers a pleasant, mostly easy 2.7 miles passing through open grassland areas, riparian habitat, wetlands, and city parks. In addition, it links the separate parts of the community together, including playground and aquatic recreational facilities, the Franklin College campus, and the central Franklin district. This design allows one to use the trail for exercise or for a pleasant commute.
Parking and restrooms (seasonal) are available at Blue Heron Park, west of U. S. 31, which straddles meadow and wetland landscapes. Heading east over a paved path, one follows along Young's Creek. Early on are a few slopes and turns that those who cannot go on foot would want to note. The trail here goes under U. S. 31, but after it emerges becomes flat and is easily navigated the rest of the way.
The trail continues through a cemetary with some older dates worth noting, and passes stately willows along the creek. You will also pass through Morgan and Province Parks, as well as some residential sections. There are several city street crossings to watch.
For those interested in Franklin's historic architecture, the county courthouse is visible from the path.